9. Pump Valve Compressor Congress

The 9th Pump-Valve-Compressor Congress was held on 5-7 May 2016 at the Istanbul Exhibition Center simultaneously with the ISK-SODEKS Fair.
This year, the Congress aims to bring together individuals who are engaged in research, design, manufacturing, operation and marketing activities on pumps, valves, compressors, fans and related facilities, as well as representatives of other organizations contributing to the sector and to prepare an environment in which the subjects of the sector will be discussed. The theme was “Eco-Design and Eco-Systems”.
Main Topics of the Congress, as in previous years, product and system design and optimization, efficiency, energy saving, HAD and software, measurement and control, materials, mini and micro power plants, sealing problems, operation and maintenance, internal and external marketing, EU rules and standards, as needed by all members of this sector.
Organized by ITU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, METU Mechanical Engineering Department, Mechanical Manufacturers Association and Turkish Pump and Valve Manufacturers Association; many sectoral associations were supported by the Federation of Machinery Manufacturing Industry Associations - MAKFED, EUROPUMP and CEIR and Yıldız Technical University.
The congress was held on Thursday, May 5, 2016; President of the Congress Organizing Committee Dr. Erkan Ayder; Hannover Fairs Turkey Fairs Inc. Turkey General Manager Mr. Alexander Kühnel, Sarmak Compressor Asli Mr. Vice President Saracoglu Ozer, Europump (the European Association of Pump Manufacturers) and Mr. POMSAD President Happy Karavelioğlu and Turkey Makinacı and opened the MAIB President Adnan Breakwater's speech.
Following the opening speeches; Alarko, Asteknik Valve, Breakwater Compressor, Layne Bowler, Mas-Daf Maker, Sar to Compressor, Göksan Pump, Standard pumps, VANSAN machine Vastaş and Turkey Makinecim are due to their support for congressional representatives a plaque was presented.
Plaque after the ceremony; Turkey Water Institute President Mr. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Mete Saatçi ız Our Transboundary Waters ”and Prof. Kahraman Albayrak participated in the congress as invited speakers with their speeches on Mak Turbo-Machines from Past to Present ”.
After the invited speakers, a 3-way conference session was started; in this session; Mr. Tuna Özçuhadar ız Our Transboundary Waters ”, Mr. Kutlu Karavelioğlu imiz Our Place in Pump-Valve Manufacturing and Future Predictions in Machine Industry”, Assoc. Dr. Can Fuar Gürlesel took part with his speeches titled “Global Economic Developments and the Search for a New Normal”.
The first day of the congress ended with a panel titled “Environmentally Responsible (Eco) Design Legislation and Its Contributions to the Sector,. The panel was chaired by Mr. Kutlu Karavelioğlu; Secretary General of MAKFED Sufyan Emiroğlu, KSB Turkey General Manager Mr. Sinan free and Sarmak Compressor Technique & R & D Manager, Mr. Ali Gurbuz, they share developments and their impact on the sector's legislation related to their sector legislation with the participants.
Following the first day of the congress; 28 declarations coming from all segments of the sector such as producers, universities, public and association representatives and discussed the sectors from various angles ended after sharing with the participants.
We have successfully left behind a congress which is very important for us to come together with all the stakeholders in our sectors, to discuss the innovations in the sector and to see the point of the sector in a scientific framework.
Conducted simultaneously with our congress; ISK-Sodex (International Heating, Cooling, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Insulation, Pump, Valve, Installation, Water Treatment and Solar Energy Systems) Fair was very important for our sectors. ISK Sodeks, which is the only fair in our country where pump and valve manufacturers come together in such a large scope, and 26 companies that are members of POMSAD took part in the fair where two halls were completely devoted to pump and valve manufacturers. In the Pump and Valve halls, there were 235 domestic and foreign companies belonging to the pump-valve and sector sub-industry, while the companies had the opportunity to introduce their new products to the visitors. Our association also had the opportunity to introduce visitors to the booth in the pump hall and to provide information about its activities and to provide visitors with the technical publications of POMSAD. In addition, we also shared our electronic and printed member catalogs with visitors.